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Below you'll find links to some of my journalism, mainly with The Times as an arts correspondent, and Time Out London as a theatre critic and feature writer.





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Jan Fabre: Times Feature

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Dirty Dancing: Times feature

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Yukio Ninagawa's Twelfth Night: Times Feature

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Cirque du Soleil: Times Feature

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Tim Supple's Midsummer Night's Dream: Sunday Times Feature

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Imelda Staunton: Times Interview

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Jodhi May: Times Interview

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Tenzin Palmo: Guardian Interview

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A History of Dreams: Guardian Feature

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Below you'll find a Guardian interview about one of my plays, True or Falsetto? A Secret History of the Castrati, with myself and Ernesto Tomasini. My other play that saw the light in the UK, the US and Australia was Fever! the Making of Miss Peggy Lee, directed by Cal McCrystal and starring Kate Dimbleby

You can read more about Fever! and find some of the show's music here

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True or Falsetto? Guardian Interview


And just for kicks, you can read two of my pieces of Flash Fiction, published in Tank magazine,  below...

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Nothing Much

Lucy Powell
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The Chancellor and The Troublesome Shoes

Lucy Powell
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